UPDATE: Voting started about an hour ago and continues until midnight 13.December.09.
To vote, you simply log on using "connect with facebook" or create a profile and click the vote button next to our video, each person can vote three times a day for each of the 13 days. The link to the competition is http://www.12seconds.tv/
We have had a few people ask us to send them reminders, so if you would like to receive a daily email to remind you to vote, reply to me only with your email address. We aren't going to sell them or spam anyone, you would just receive ONE email around 9am California time reminding you to vote and 13 days later . . . no more emails. On the 14th day you will probably be sad that a reminder email isn't in your inbox.
Thank you to those who have already spread our video around facebook and twitter helping us get over 6600 views thus far and be the only one of the videos tweeted by Mountain Dew's official twitter feed.