08 February 2012

Jr. Creative Advice: First Impressions

One of my friends has a great blog dedicated to selling yourself! You should check it out HERE.

In her latest post she talks about being nice to the person at the front desk. So important, especially because the receptionist isn't always only the receptionist. At Y&R the AEs covered the desk on occasion, at HWH we didn't have one, so the owner did a lot of the welcoming and here at MA, our Business Development Manager and Vice President cover the front desk at times.

When you go to someones office, treat it as if you are at your grandparents house or your significant other's parents home. You wouldn't put your feet on the table or burp loudly in front of them, it's kind of the same when you go into a new company, especially if you are interviewing.

The receptionist is your first impression. They are the first person you say hi to, they also see how you hold yourself before the person you interview with comes out. I guarantee as you exit, your interviewer and the secretary talk about you. It just happens.

What about the reverse? Have you ever gone into a place and the receptionist was awful? It's the exact same thing in reverse. People coming in to interview or do business will question what type of people work here and why they would want to come back. While the owner of the agency is the face of the agency to current clients, the secretary is the face of the company to the rest of the world.

As I began writing this blog, our BDM started to talk to me about an experience she had with people who were incredibly friendly. There was a company we were partnering with who ask for her help making copies and binding production books. While she could have said no for what ever reason, she took the time to make this happen. The task took about an hour and the woman ended up sending an orchid and bottle of wine as a thank you.

Everyone is busy. There are never enough hours in the day for anyone but you can't just sit there and talk about things or nothing will get done.

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