16 September 2013

Equality Arizona Awards Dinner 2013

Saturday night I had the privilege of receiving an invitation to the Equality Arizona Awards Dinner. One of my coworkers is on the board and my company had sponsored a table to the event.

Events like these are great, you get to support a great foundation and spend some time with your coworkers without having to be talking about work. Ten of us attended and since it was a black tie event, we all gone done up properly. I even wore a dress. I know what you are thinking . . . now pick your jaw up off the ground.

The keynote speaker was Dustin Lance Black. If you don't know him, he wrote the movie Milk and 8. He was absolutely amazing. He told us the story of him coming out and I don't think there was a dry eye in the place. If you haven't heard the story I encourage you to watch the video below of him telling it at the HRC National Dinner last year.

After we ate dinner I sat and watched a silent auction and direct donations happen. I watched people open their checkbooks to support this foundation of making it possible for people to no longer live their lives in fear of losing their job, home or life because they are gay. 

While I was proud to be apart of this night, I look forward to the day when foundations like this are no longer needed because we as a society know better. We as a society accept and love people because of their gender, skin color, sexual orientation or anything else that might make them different from someone else. 

I believe diversity is how we as a society improve and make strides to be great.

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